Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hollow Intergenerational Promises

Successive governments over the years have admitted that the private sector is the engine of growth and development. Sadly, the intergenerational promise of support for the private sector has remained nothing more than empty promises to be sung like a lullaby, every election year.

True to form, the PDP yet again promises to do so during their present tenure. According to Business Bhutan’s newspaper reporter Tashi Namgyal, the PDP is said to have said; “Tourism to remain as a key sector for growth”.

It would be unfair to believe that their pronouncements were ill-intended. No doubt the government knows that tourism industry generates the highest net-gain foreign exchange, it provides the highest number of employment and, beyond all doubt, its benefit is accrued to the broad spectrum of the Bhutanese society.

The government knows very well that the country can ill afford the collapse of the tourism industry because it has too many things riding on its back.

According to recent reports in the social media, I am told that Lyoenchen Tshering Tobgay has made a truly significant move – in an obvious attempt to help the tourism sector claw back to some semblance of life. He is said to have invited the managements of the two national airlines to speak to his government – to see how his government might help them bring some sanity in the fares charged by them.

To help His Excellency get a grip on WHY the most important private sector of the country is suffering, I would like to present the following image - it is a vivid testament, if any were needed, why the tourism industry has been bled to death:
I believe that no words are necessary - the picture tells the story.

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