Even as I was chasing birds - the feathered variety - in the wilderness of Yongkala in the east of the country …. someone in Thimphu even without so much as a by-your-leave, decided to nominate me as a Member of the Rotary Club of Thimphu that was being formed under the aegis of the RGoB in April of 2012. To this day I have no idea who nominated me – but I remain grateful because, as a consequence, I have grown as a human being - I have met people around the world who helped me redefine my views on so many issues. Even more important I met a hoard of kind and generous people spread across the globe - people with whom I remain connected to this day - many years after I hung up my boots at the Club - people who keep alive the Rotary spirit in me even while I no longer play an active part in Rotary activities.
One such person is Past President of Rotary Club of Honolulu Sunset, Hawaii – PP Rtn. James Ham, MD. Through his support, a Rotary Global Grant Project was implemented in Bhutan in the year 2022 - related to health and safety - in collaboration with Rotary Club of Thimphu and Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences (KGUMS).
In truth, the connection of PP Rtn. James Ham with Bhutan goes beyond his spirit of giving - his bond with the country transcends the normal - it is in the realm of the supernatural! Please read the following why his bond with Bhutan is special:
Master Kinley Jin Ham is now almost 6 years old - please look at the progression of the hulking Drukpa Kuenleg in Hawaii, USA over the years: