Thursday, November 19, 2020

Rotary Conference in Bhutan: The World Is Waiting

 Hi Luc and everybody else,

Thank you for your prompt reply. I am glad that you are well and safe. That is the most important thing.

Yes, there is no doubt that the Conference will happen ---- may be a little later than we had hoped, but it will happen. In fact just two days back our senior Club Members approved the prototype of the Conference Kit Bag that we are going to distribute to you during the Conference next year - even if I say so myself, it looks beautiful 😆. Here is an image of it for your review. This will demonstrate that R C Thimphu is gearing up for the great event - we are determined to make the event a great success. After the harrowing experience of the pandemic - we hope to make your trip to Bhutan an event so worthwhile that you will come to realize just how lucky we all are to have survived the scourge.

Rotary Conference 2021 Kit Bag: fashioned and embroidered out of silk, leather and canvas

I agree - this COVID-19 has been a game spoiler for the global community but as you say, some active agents seem to be just about ready to hit the markets. As you know, Pfzier and Moderna are just months away from releasing the vaccines. But my own advice to you and my country men here in Bhutan and elsewhere is that ----- try and avoid the first versions of the vaccines - until their safety is proven. I feel that it would be prudent to be cautious about the first releases of the vaccines when they do finally appear in the marketplace. I feel that we must allow them to be PROVEN TO BE SAFE and not just effective. They may prove to be effective but we need to be absolutely certain that there are no unexpected side effects.

Bye and take care ... please continue to be safe and healthy.

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