Respected Sir,
Thank you for your mail and the good wishes. I wish you and Madam Joyce the same.
What does one call it - good fortune? honor? privilege? - that one receives a loving mail from one’s school Principal of over half a century back; that even after more than 52 years of having parted ways, each of our hearts are still brimming with thoughts of each other.
Consider that the world today is populated with 8.07 billion people. Of that many, I ask you - what percentage of school Principals are likely to remember how many of their students of over half a century? Likewise, how many of the 8.07 billion people in this world today would have the sense of gratefulness to remember their school Principals, even after more than half a century has gone by?
It is something to ponder over and marvel at: what enthuses bonds and connections so strong that they encompass many decades and timespan - that too even while being separated and divided by many oceans and time zones?
As I had written to you some years back, the most impactful event in my life was the need for you to leave our school - in response to a higher calling. Quite obviously, without my knowing (I was then too young to know my own mind), your departure from the school broke my heart so completely that I too decided to leave school a year later - I did not care what I wanted to do with my life - more accurately I did not know what life was all about. Fortunately, my life turned out to be more satisfying than I would have ever had the sense to hope for.
Purportedly, I made a negative decision caused by a situation occasioned by your departure - but I have never for once had any doubt that there was the hand of destiny at play - that it was Karmic that you should depart our school and cause me heartbreak. Without that, I would have never had the occasion, or the reason, to embark on my maiden journey of life - as I did - at a time and place when I did, and arrive where I have. That singular incident set me off on a most fulfilling journey across the seven seas; landed me on the shores of places prettier and more beautiful than the Last Shangri-La, and placed me in the company of people and personalities who helped me understand why life was precious, why the obvious path to choose should be the path of service and humility. Why life must be lived to the fullest, and with courage and noble intentions.
I Thank You for your role in making my life whole. And Thank You for making me feel so SPECIAL.
From all reports, the typical bitter cold and moist English winter will likely be even more so this year. It is my hope that Madam Joyce would derive warmth and comfort from the woolen jacket I chose for her, during your last trip to Bhutan. Even more important, I hope she is able to make another journey soon - for the prospect of a reward of yet another woolen jacket - even warmer and comfier than the last 😅
I remain, yours in gratefulness,
Yeshey Dorji
Class of 1968 - 1971
Gawpey School, Paro