Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Yet Again One More For Our Men In Blue

Blue seems to be currently in vogue rather, on a high of sorts. Barely did we complete the hand-over of a solar fencing project to them at Chhukha, and we are due for another project handover - that of the completion of the construction and installation of 2 units of Reverse Osmosis Water Filter systems in their school at Zilnoen Namgyelling Lower Secondary School in Thimphu. This school, located bang inside the RBP campus in Thimphu, serves the children of the entire police force in the country.

The Rotary Club of Thimphu is committed to accept every single request for water filters from all levels of schools. We will complete the delivery of US$1.00 million worth of SkyHydrant water filters in all of the 120 Central Schools planed in the country. This target we hope to achieve by the end of 2020, in collaboration with the Disaster Aid Australia. We have already installed over 2 dozen RO water filter systems in schools across the country. Twenty units of the SkyHydrant water filters are at differing stages of installation. Ten more SkyHydrants are due to arrive the county in the coming month. Only Central Schools will receive SkyHydrant filters – given their superior student enrollment. Rest of the schools will be supplied with RO systems with UV treatment unit.

The funding for the RO Water filters for Zilnoen Namgyelling LSS was received from an American couple - Mr. Stephen Frederick Jones & Mrs. Valerie Lois Jones of Woodside, California, USA. This couple is the highest individual donors to our projects.

The connection between Steve Jones and Bhutan is rather prodigious – almost fable like. Please read all about it at:

School Signboard

 School's main academic block

Filtration & UV Treatment Unit 1

Filtration & UV Treatment Unit 2

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