Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Tourism Rules and Regulations of Bhutan 2022 III

The Tourism Levy Bill of Bhutan 2022 was tabled as a Money Bill - it should have been introduced as a Financial Bill. That having said, there is nothing wrong with the Tourism Levy Act of Bhutan 2022 - the tourism industry welcomed it as something that has been long in coming.

Where the industry was caught flat-footed is in the nature of the beast - the Money Bill has to come into effect from the date it is introduced - retrospectively. For the tourism industry that is what caused the milk to curdle - the introduction of the Bill as a Money Bill. Had it been introduced as a Financial Bill, it would have been smooth sailing for the government and the Tourism Council of Bhutan and, most importantly, the tourism industry players. The ongoing agitated mood of the industry is not because of the introduction of SDF of US$200.00 - it has to do with the immediate implantation of the Act - which is seen as tyrannical and delusional, given its impracticability.

But all that is now water under the bridge - but I refuse to believe that it is a case of flogging the dead horse - I believe that we can still nurse back the dying horse - the deathblow is far from mortal.

I am encouraged to learn that the TCB is scheduled to meet all the different tourism sectors today, and discuss the yet to be introduced Tourism Rules and Regulations of Bhutan 2022. Some industry members are not impressed – they believe that this is just an eyewash – that the TCB and the government will do exactly what they want to do, that they are hoodwinking the people. I have been trying to encourage them to participate in the consultative process, regardless. That history must bear witness to the fact that the industry tired to correct the course that is headed down the perilous path. We cannot give up so easily - at the end of the day, it is us the common man on the street who will be the bigger losers - not the government or the TCB. They have their state funded salary, perks, entitlements, vehicles and fuel, to tide them over through the worst of times.

In closing I would like to wish the VERY BEST OF LUCK to those members of ABTO, GAB, HRAB and HAB who are due to participate in todays meeting with the TCB. I hope they go in into the meeting with a wide-open mind - so that they are successful in opening the closed minds of the TCB and its transformation team.


  1. Wow! First time hearing about this consultation meeting

  2. I hope this goes well and our tourism industry don't take the path downwards. As it is many are already frustrated hence even leaving our beloved country for greener pastures. Myself having worked with the TCB I understand both sides. Hopefully things will be resolved so as to retain our people and provide better opportunities within the country itself. Otherwise people will definitely seek refuge outside the country without a choice
